Getting Started Checklist
Firstly, welcome to Flochat 👋 be sure to tell your friends about us too
It can be complicated when discovering a new platform or if you're transitioning from another chatbot platform you'll notice how much better we actually are!
Follow this simple getting started guide/checklist, so you can get off to a confident start 🚀
Creating your workspace profile
So this is a great opportunity to add your logo and some other simple things. Lets start by navigating to the workspace settings tab located on the left side of the dashboard 👇
Adding your workspace logo
Simply upload your logo image file in the display below. This is great to help identify your workspace, and also if you are an avid content creator your viewers will see it too. Great for a little personal branding 💁♀️
Adding or changing your workspace name
Chances are you already have a workspace name selected. If you need to change it you can. This help identify your workspace by name when searching if required.
Adding your timezone
There are multiple timezones to select from 👇
Setting up your dashboard display
We have numerous options available for you, so you can set up a visual display to your own liking. Just like selecting dark mode, but way cooler. For a nice theme and easier to use if you're just getting started out select the Jelly Bean Theme.
View all themes here
Last updated